diumenge, 25 de març del 2007

L'home de les ulleres estranyes

Lou Reed

A Blue in the Face, Lou Reed —the man with strange glasses— desgrana un monòleg sobre les seves particulars ulleres. Divendres a la nit, per a llegir Estellés, Margarit, Casasses o Ferrater, també les hi duia. I amb els vidres aixecats.

My glasses represent probably the future of glasses, for a certain segment of the population. I've approached... I went to the patent office, first... about my glasses, and that was because... let me explain what the glasses are...

[fica el dit a través de forat de l'ull dret de la muntura, on se suposa que hi hauria d'haver un vidre, per mostrar que no hi ha vidre tal i que les ulleres duen els vidres alçats]

... the glasses only have lenses on top

I went to a space shuttle off and as the shuttle was taking off and... I could put binoculars right in... straight from my frames... because there's no lenses there. So the space scientists were all huddled around me "how can I get a pair of glasses like that? how can I get a pair of glasses like that?" That's... you know, because they were all standing there with those tacky little strands around their necks with the glasses hanging or the gum on their bald heads.

Or I'll be in a restaurant, and when I go to read the menu I flip the lenses up and people come over and say "how can I get a pair of glasses that do that?".

So, I saw what my future was... that, perhaps, my future lay in eye glass frame manufacturing or being sponsored by a frame manufacturer. And I was gonna call it Lou's Views.

Blue in the Face
(Paul Auster & Wayne Wang, 1995)

5 comentaris:

  1. hola!!!
    Vaig pensar rapid amb tu,al veure en el telenoticies la lectura de poesia catalana^^XDD

    curioses les ulleres...

  2. Ostres! Em xifla en Lou Reed i no he aconseguit mai sentir-lo en directe... ens canviem els concerts per una vegada?

    Portet and Reed forever!!

    Una abraçada de l'altre costat de l'Àtlàntic.

  3. Un cop més, quina sana enveja!!

  4. Lou Reed sortia a Blue in the Face? no me'n recordooooo

  5. Mira-la, home, mira-la... Hi surt, i duu uns cabells rinxolats que fa por!
    També hi fan aparicions: Jim Jarmusch, Madonna, Michael J. Fox, Roseanne...
